M : synonyms and lexical field

Synonyms > Synonyms beginning with M > M

Looking for words with meaning close to 'm': discover synonyms for the word m, such as sm or manuscript.

The lexical field offers related words, which refer to the same idea, the same concept as m. It is common for a word to have several meanings. In this case, the context of the word helps to determine its correct meaning.
Example of words in the same lexical field as "": sm and manuscript.

Our list of words and synonyms offered here allows for example to find variants for your content or web page improvements.

Synonyms for m sorted by degree of synonymy

List of synonyms for m Degree of synonymy of m Frequency in the language
   29968 0.22  
   29950 2.69  
   19972 1.67  

Lexical field of "m"

master of science
multiple sclerosis
disseminated sclerosis
wireless network
read out
put through
back up
ring up
call up
sign on
hang up
sign off
fall over
plug in
record book
zero in
random number
long tail
clock in
lead time
special needs
fourth estate
switch on
project management
and finally
group theory
two cents
sign in
think tank
dead center
final cut
pencil in
cross out
main street
ink in
book in
electric field
electrical field
track record
john henry
john hancock
jot down
boot camp
green state
diminishing returns