Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about using Textfocus

1. General

Where can I find the roadmap?

The project roadmap is available here:
However, the order of priorities changes regularly.

What languages does Textfocus support?

A page SEO analysis can be done in any language, however, semantic analyses are reserved for the following languages at the moment:Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish.
The Thai language has recently been added, and is still being tested (please don't hesitate to give us feedback).

Any tool other than semantic analysis can be run in any language.

How does the credit system work?

Each use of a Textfocus tool consumes credits. However, once the analysis has been performed and saved (backups are automatic), re-running the analysis does not consume any credit.

A page SEO analysis for a given target keyword consumes 3 credits.
Optimized copywriting consumes 5 credits, as many analyses are run in this tool.
The alphabetical keyword generator consumes 10 credits, as it consumes many resources testing all keyword possibilities.
Keyword audits consume one credit per keyword entered.

All other tools consume only one credit.

Can I change my e-mail address?

For the moment, you need to ask us via the contact form.

Can I change my password?

Go through the password change form for this.

Can I delete my account?

Of course, you can do it from your account, when you're logged in, but you'll lose all your data.

2. Page SEO analysis

What is a keyword?

In SEO, the "keyword" is the word or words you enter in the search engine.
We sometimes use the term key phrase when entering several words (but the term "key word" is often used, whether it's a single word or a phrase).

Why is my page's SEO score zero?

Our tool detected that the page analyzed was not indexable, which implies a score of zero, as the page cannot be indexed by the engines.

How is the page's SEO score calculated?

Each criterion analyzed in the SEO section of our analysis has its own weighting, which is used to determine a score: if one of the tests fails, the score decreases.

The language code is not correct, is this normal?

Our tool extracts the page's language code from the page's attributes and language tags, so you need to check the page's source code to see if there are any errors.

What is the page plan and how do I stick to it?

The page layout is the HTML layout induced by the order of presence of the HTML tags H1 / H2 / H3 (etc.).The page layout is very important for SEO. It helps search engines understand the page's subject and content structure.

It is strongly recommended to use only one H1 title.You must respect the order of the tags, which means that an H1 title will be followed by several H2 title tags, themselves followed by several H3 titles, without going from a level 2 title (H2) to a level 4 title (H4).

Titles must not be empty and must not contain images.
You should also avoid using formatting HTML in your Hn titles (strong, span, em tags are tolerated in the extreme).

What are lexical fields for?

Our tool groups your page's vocabulary by lexical field (currently only available in English and French).Based on the presence of this vocabulary in the SEO-relevant HTML tags, we deduce an SEO lexical field, which may correspond to the topics covered by the page, depending on the search engines.

And what are named entities for?

A named entity designates a unique, well-defined thing or concept that can be attached to a knowledge graph (cf. Google's Knowledge Graph).

To detect named entities in content, we use TextZazor's APIs.Google uses named entities in many of its tools, via what it calls NLP (Natural Language Processing).Named entities play an important role in SEO, and it would take too long to go into detail here.

How to optimize the title tag?

The "title" tag is certainly one of the most important for SEO.

The title entered in this tag appears in the browser tab (it is displayed in full if hovered over with the mouse), but it is also and above all used by search engines to construct their search results.
The words you choose are essential and must be representative of the page's content, as they will contribute directly to your visibility on search queries and encourage visitors to visit the page if they are sufficiently attractive and explicit.
A well-optimized title can bring in more traffic for a lower search engine position, and in the long term can even lead to a mechanical gain in positions.
A title that isn't representative of the page's content can have the opposite effect, so it's important to stay relevant without falling into the trap of over-optimization.

The title tag should be concise, with the most important keywords ideally placed at the beginning, to avoid a truncated title appearing in search results.
The maximum size of a title tag is often set at 70 characters, but this will depend on the screen (desktop or mobile) and we can set the maximum size in pixels, i.e. around 600 pixels on Desktop. On mobile, the title tag can be up to 78 characters long.

Each indexable page on the site must have a unique title tag: there must be no duplication of title tags.
So, in a pagination context (on subsequent pages), be sure to add a differentiating suffix in the title tag to show the robots that this is another distinct page.

How to optimize the meta description tag?

It's usually this description tag (or part of it) that will be displayed in search results. The recommended length of the meta description tag is between 120 and 160 characters.The meta description's main marketing objective is to encourage clicks: it must be attractive, explanatory and complement the title.The description tag is not taken into account by Google's algorithms, but has an indirect impact on search engine optimization. In fact, a description tag that encourages clicks increases the page's click-through rate, and thus improves the page's SEO.

How do I optimize the page URL?

What is the purpose of the canonical tag?

The canonical tag plays the essential role of informing search engines of the reference url for the current page. Always enter an absolute url.
Thus, on a page whose url has been altered and/or enriched for tracking or filtering purposes, the reference url will be noted as the "canonical" url.
This tag is positioned in the part of the page source and should only appear once.
A common mistake is to build the canonical on the basis of the current url, which means that any url will be included in the canonical, which means having no url at all.

3. SEO-optimized copywriting and semantic analysis

How is the recommended word count calculated?

This recommended number corresponds to the average number of words of competitors positioned on your target keyword.

What's the ideal occurrence?

For each proposed semantic term, deduced from our calculation algorithms and corresponding to your target keyword, we propose an ideal occurrence.This ideal occurrence is a range, indicating the minimum and maximum occurrence of this word to obtain in your content.
We deduce it from the competitive analysis and the TF-IDF calculation for each of these terms.

However, search engine algorithms, especially Google's, are complex and take many parameters into account.
So, using the suggested semantic vocabulary, within the suggested range, is a very important plus, but doesn't do everything.You also need to optimize internal linking and netlinking to your page, for example.

4. Search for questions

In progress...

5. Keyword suggestions

In progress...

6. Alphabetical generator

In progress...

7. Textfocus presentation videos