Avenirs : synonyms and lexical field

Synonyms > Synonyms beginning with A > Avenirs

Looking for words with meaning close to 'avenirs': discover synonyms for the word avenirs, such as future or futures.

The lexical field offers related words, which refer to the same idea, the same concept as avenirs. It is common for a word to have several meanings. In this case, the context of the word helps to determine its correct meaning.
Example of words in the same lexical field as "": future and futures.

Our list of words and synonyms offered here allows for example to find variants for your content or web page improvements.

Synonyms for avenirs sorted by degree of synonymy

List of synonyms for avenirs Degree of synonymy of avenirs Frequency in the language
   1 103.49  
   1 1.63  

Lexical field of "avenirs"
